
Showing posts from June, 2014

Book review: Webs of influence, the psychology of online persuasion

I decided to travel to Berlin today. Something different for a change. So now I am in an Eurocity train from Hilversum to Berlin. Time to read a book again. This time “ webs of influence, the psychology of online persuasion ”. An interesting book also in relation to cross border e-commerce because cultural differences in persuasion are described. The book "webs of influence, the psychology of online persuasion" travels with me today. There is no “silver bullet” for persuasion. Everybody is different, but the book gives nice case study’s and with some creativity of yourself, you can think of some very interesting tests and possibilities to change your website and marketing. The book has (very convenient) after every chapter a “ make this work for you” section. Perfect for a quick reference. Well as the book teaches me, blue is the colour that is most preferred by people, regardless of gender and culture. The blue colour is prefered by almost everybody So probabl

Model / Template EU wide withdrawal form | Consumer Rights Directive

The new EU wide consumer law, the so called,  consumer rights directive in Europe, that will be into force in most countries as from the 13th of june, requires that websites offer a EU wide withdrawal form . Customers are not obliged to use it, but you have to offer it at your website. Since I could not find an easy working template for this EU wide withdrawal form, I created an interactive PDF file with the minimum required information. Download the latest ADOBE reader to make the interactive template work. Download the interactive withdrawal form PDF template here Upload your company logo (in PDF) (I am sorry, I could not get it programmed to upload JPEG's) Translate the texts in the PDF (you can start typing over the existing text) or if needed empty just give a space. Save the file using the "save as" button in the top left corner For those who can't work with the (beautifully programmed) interactive PDF, the microsoft word template is available he