
Showing posts from August, 2016

Entanglement Marketing

Today, August 20th,  I am in Zermatt, Switzerland. Hoping to do some summerskiing. It is summer in the village, but winter is still present up in the mountains here, 3883 meters high there is lot's of snow. However today is cloudy and windy and lifts are closed. So I grabbed a book and started reading about “Entangled Marketing” and watching the people go by in their electric mini cars, with the Matterhorn at the background. Tomorrow I will go to enjoy summerskiing, tomorrow the weather will be great! This post is a combination of items from the book, some personal opinions and some examples I found at the web. Enjoy reading! I gave the book a view at the Matterhorn, during my stay here..(but the Matterhorn is sometimes "entangled" with clouds as today :). I bought this book since I believe, that the way of marketing brands or building brands, is changing rapidly. It’s no more just some display advertisements or an always on PPC strategy, there are many other poss

Cross bordere ecommerce: centralise or localise digital marketing activities

In cross border e-commerce, often the question is asked: "what can I centralise and what can I decentralise if I do cross border ecommerce"? Cross border ecommerce wisdom The question really depends at your strategy, your products or services, the size and structure of your company, your financial capabilities and of course the countries where you are active, or want to expand to. There are nowadays companies who can fully fulfil every aspect of your cross border e-commerce activities, Having said that, I have described per e-commerce channel, my view at localisation versus /decentralisation and how I think it is most effective. To make it easy I introduce here the Alex -localisation-centralisation -*- meter! Stars and Alex a good combination SEA (search engine advertising) Search engine advertising, can be centralised, there are nowadays some really good global search engine agency's who really can help you with your international sea